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  • Need a new note-taking app. Suggestions please!

    Barış Bingöl
    23 replies
    I've been using the built-in Samsung notes for a while now, but I need an app that I can use across multiple platforms. Which app are you all using? I would love some suggestions!


    Notion. Nothing else. Thank me later, for million times. Yes. Notion.
    @helvacilar well if there is someone I will take productivity advice from, it's gotta be you. I'm getting onboard!
    Notion has always been dear to my heart. Great for keeping track of deadlines, to-do lists, organizing notes and links as well as creating reports.
    @lara_tankal I love how people support Notion like football teams support their teams haha. I'm gonna join you all!
    My current stack: - Obsidian: markdown editor. for research and writing with bi-directional linking. like the overall graph view. - Notion: for lists and publishing content online. (build 1984.design) - Evernote: old habit. still using notebooks for family collaboration - Google Keep: simple user interface and integrates nicely with Google accounts and Workspace; drive, calendar, and all services. There are a lot of note-taking apps out there, you have to try and figure out what works for you.
    @boraoztunc You're the first person who hasn't suggested Notion haha! Do you have any opinions on it, seems like you are using everything but it.
    @boraoztunc The note are indeed the most used collaborative thus it depend what is your user need mobile me too use the note based on user work os very well if Google keep ,if note book you wish Evernote, Amazon too have it recent ,if for educations learning teamwork , taskade ,the zoho too.If you need world news use substack, Finally frame.so note ,recently launcher here for those crator or maker ,my user experiences of 40 years web ,go on search 4 por year one may need more not one
    The Ultimate Skill Extractor by Further
    Notion. I also recommend my old pal OneNote if you have a stylus.
    I use notion for the app on my phone. Highly recommend it - just too easy!
    @darwin_binesh Thank you for the suggestion! A lot of people have been suggesting this, will give this a go!
    If you prefer hand-written notes, NoteLedge is worth trying as well!
    @dennis_li4 This looks interesting! My handwriting sucks haha, but will check it out. Thanks for the suggestion!
    Notion! that's all there is. Been on it since Day 1.
    Innos.io is free notes database project easy to use 2min learning free to in beta , good apportunity
    I think, Notion is the best.
    For me if you are a product person, Obsidian could be a good thing for you as you can also link different idea and notes together. Otherwise, Notion or Evernote is also good too.
    As we a startup fund limited , we have neen trying alternate many not taking free too such as clickup , monday zoho , evernote , remnote keep all many frre can easily get things done for small startup. As the need is mutiple platform app we found the innos.io note the best easy to use, but not yet matured as rock.so , as well as taskade app .All the aboove 03 maker , ceo more creative , innovative too , as well as the ream , the brain of the team too more human help instead robo . Thus the selection of any one depends your beta testa your requirments with your team depends on your needs