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  • One social for all interests and projects or multiple socials?

    David Edwards
    19 replies
    If you have multiple projects or very different interests, do you create specific socials for specific needs, or do you put everything under a single social. For example i have multiple Saas projects that are very different, i also have different commercial interests. Curious if to just use one social for all, or perhaps it might feel diluted when the audience sees content that might not be aligned with their interests.


    David William
    Hello, Using One Social Account Pros: Centralized Presence: Easier to manage and build a single identity or personal brand. Audience Cross-Pollination: Followers interested in one project might discover and engage with your other projects. Less Overhead: Saves time and effort in managing multiple accounts. Cons: Diluted Content: Your audience may get confused or disinterested if your content varies significantly (e.g., mixing highly technical SaaS updates with personal or lifestyle content). mycenturahealth portal Brand Confusion: If the projects are vastly different, it can create confusion about your core focus and brand identity. Creating Multiple Social Accounts Pros: Tailored Content: Each account can be curated to suit the specific audience, making engagement more relevant. Clear Brand Positioning: Each project or interest can have its own identity, making it easier for people to follow exactly what they want. Best Regards david
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I predominantly use Twitter which covers everything... there is 50% of my work, 25% of cringe, 25% of my personal life.
    Sudha Reddy
    Lately I don't have bandwidth for multiple socials. LinkedIn is my new social but it entirely depends on my personal vs professional needs. Gotta follow where customers are so if your customers are on multiple channels, we gotta be on them too I guess.
    Xinshu Ta
    One Social is enough!
    One social for sure
    Stephen Wilkes
    One social account.
    Alekhya Sadhu
    Keeping everything under one single social helps in keeping things organized and easy to browse.
    Emin Araki
    Having everything in one place makes it easier for people to follow your journey across different projects. It shows you’re a multifaceted creator, and you never know—your audience might end up being interested in more than just one thing you do. Plus, managing one account is way easier.
    Aiden Yates
    Single social is best.
    Amanda Gallop
    Using one social onlyyyyyy.
    All socials media
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    I mostly use LinkedIn to share everything about my projects, success, and personal life.
    Srivatsan Venkatesan
    Use one LinkedIn or X account to start with, once you build audience and engagement —you can decide
    Isabella Claire Anderson
    I think it depends on your projects and audiences. If your interests are quite diverse and attract different crowds, multiple dedicated accounts may be best to keep content relevant for each audience. But if there's decent overlap in your followers across projects, a single account could work well to cross-promote and build a cohesive personal brand. The key is understanding if your audiences will appreciate seeing all your projects together or prefer a more curated experience. There's no universal right answer, so base it on your specific situation and goals.
    Milo Nathaniel Thorne
    I'd say it depends on your goals and audience for each project. If there's significant overlap, one account could work to cross-promote. But if the projects are quite different, separate accounts let you tailor content better. You could always use one main account and separate accounts you link to for each project. Curious what others think - pros/cons to each approach?