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  • PH WhatsApp Group Chat - New Chat for Product Launches, Feedback & Networking

    David Gradon
    11 replies
    A few of us have been messaging and we've noticed that: 1) The lack of a messaging function on here means that you have to move contact onto Twitter or Linkedin to get to know each other on a more personal level. This usually means connecting on a 1-1 basis but what would be really valuable would be smaller group networks that people can tap into. 2) Given many of here have considerable networks, it can be hard for newbies to get their products seen and get the vital feedback and support they need. 3) For those looking to raise the profile of their product launch and get support, it can be onerous to send lots of personal DMs. And so we thought it would be great to have a group chat where people can quickly and easily share their product launches in one place and get feedback, as well as of course, get to know each other a little better. I'd also love to meet you all virtually and so perhaps we can do a coffee hangout one day too :) If you'd like to join the chat: https://chat.whatsapp.com/fhawvglj7z15dj4qubkakn Alternatively if you DM me (@David_Gradon) or @Antony_A on Twitter, and we'll add you to the group!


    @prathamnandha It's about time they enabled this communication feature. In any case, if you're interested in joining the WhatsApp group, click on the community channel link in my profile.
    David Gradon
    @prathamnandha @antony_a That's a good shout - have done the same :)
    Ruben Lozano
    Hey! It sounds really good. Well organised we can really learn from each other. Sometimes these groups are too many self-promotions where basically the people join to come up and say this is my page and never appear again. This is the problem of these groups. If we can make it really useful, it will really help the community. :) Cheers,
    @rubenlozanome Very true, I've seen this happening in other community groups as well. But, for the most part, PH's community intention is to support your PH launch, so it's perfectly fine to have one as long as everyone in the group contributes to the success of others.
    Ruben Lozano
    @antony_a yes, I agree with you. Let's give a try and we can catch up 3 months from now and see what is the status on this whatsapp group. :) hahahaha
    Chris Sarca
    Why WhatsApp? I would've joined if it was Discord or Slack.
    @chris_sarca I understand, we have just created slack group. You can join here: https://join.slack.com/t/product...
    Farah Abughattas
    @chris_sarca @antony_a hey! i would love to join your group but the link doesnt work anymore, can you provide me with the updated one please?