Procrastination is not always bad

Priyanka Ramabhadran
6 replies
Although it is unpopular opinion I feel like sometimes procrastinating some tasks, has helped me focus on better and put in my 100%, as then I am truly motivated to do that task. What's your opinion? P.S. Not stating that every day procrastination is ideal


My work pattern is to work on what excites and interests me first. I do get around to the annoying tasks eventually but in the meantime it's not forced.
Priyanka Ramabhadran
@maxwellcdavis I never want to force the tasks too. If I do that then I won't be able to give it my 100%
Samir Rashed
Hi Priyanka, I agree with you. Let's call it "healthy procrastination"πŸ˜€
100% agreed, I also noticed that sometimes a few of such tasks become irrelevant or evolve into something else so it's a good thing I did not waste my time on them in the first place. And then if I notice a pattern in what I tend to push off - time to delegate!