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  • Product roadmap, what's best?

    Rogerio Taques
    8 replies
    What do you guys use for writing down your product roadmap? Do you have one for stakeholders and another for users, or just a single one for everybody? 🤔


    Saul Fleischman
    We use Asana. We do not share the roadmap with customers or users and have no stakeholders other than our founders, who continue to work on RiteKit.
    Rogerio Taques
    @osakasaul, thanks for sharing! Nice to know that. We currently use Jira, but I'm not really satisfied with the outcome and how "hard" it is to maintain and adapt.
    Saul Fleischman
    @rogeriotaques Jira is powerful. Haven't used it in years (we got forced into it by a company we were working with), but for our team, more actions to get anything done makes it a fail. When leading a team, especially when some are non-devs, each action added leads some people to think to "just Slack it," though you need them to add it to your project management solution. That's where Asana is better.
    Rogerio Taques
    @osakasaul agreed! I used Asana few years ago (2018), but not for sharing a roadmap! Perhaps, I need to give it another try. 🤔
    Daniel Do
    Optimized Toolbox
    Optimized Toolbox
    Launching soon!
    I found the best roadmap is the now/next/later roadmap for long-term planning to know where your product is heading. You can use it to share it with stakeholders. This is a bit tough because ideally, you're trying to solve problems that bring the most benefit to your company & users. You should solve the problems until they're resolved so there's why this roadmap doesn't have any deadline or timeline (which is the way it should be). Alongside that, I'm using a sprint roadmap for my development team that includes initiatives we'll be working on in the upcoming sprint to add it to a context but we know these plans can change and the initiatives can be prolonged if needed. We still didn't get to the point to create a roadmap for users but I would probably also create it as now/next/later.
    Rogerio Taques
    @pm_optimizer Nice idea! I'll try using "now/next/later" for my roadmap instead of a vague timeline. I already use initiatives in my roadmap shared with all stakeholders, including devs. We also have a Jira backlog for the dev team. 🤗
    Pavel Kukhnavets
    Planning a roadmap and prioritizing project tasks is an important step to ensure that the project is executed successfully. We use (GanttPRO https://ganttpro.com/) to create and manage our roadmaps. The tool provides visually appealing Gantt charts and many additional features to make roadmap management an easy and pleasant process. Highly recommended.
    Rogerio Taques
    @pavel_kukhnavets Interesting, Pavel. Thank you for sharing that. I was used to work with gantt charts when running waterfall projects, many years ago. I have never thought of using it while running Agile. 🤔 Are you using it on Agile or Waterfall?