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  • Products to help monetize your blog or pump up your recognition.

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    Depending on your goals, you can give this knowledge away for free or sell it. To do this, you need to package the information, knowledge or skill into a product. When creating a product, focus on the result that the person will get. Types of products: • Consultation - an expert advises a client on their request, one-on-one. • Mentoring - long term work to accompany the apprentice from point A to point B. • Mastergroup - regular meetings of up to 10 people to get feedback on participants' requests. • Group mentoring - receiving feedback from an expert mentor for group participants. • Training - concise training in a particular skill for 100-600 participants. • Workshops - hands-on training of a mechanical skill. • Business breakfast - a short meeting with a content piece on a particular topic prepared by an expert, with networking for participants. • Intensive - a workshop aimed at acquiring a skill in a specific topic and getting results in a short time (3-7 days), with assignments, feedback, chatting for participants. • Webinar - an online lecture covering a specific topic. • Marathon - sessions aimed at immersing participants in the topic, assignments, verification of assignments by mentors, community of participants. • Course - covers several topics in one niche, duration 1-4 months, lectures, assignments, chat, community of participants. • Club - product for subscribing to content in a specific topic, community of participants. • Checklist - a list, an instruction manual. • Guide - a manual on a specific topic. • Book - paper or electronic book. • Workbook - a notebook with theory and practical exercises. • Podcast - an audio product with interviews, lectures, etc. Manage your social networks!
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