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  • Quick Tricks for Organizing Meetings Your Clients Will Love

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    Have you ever noticed that at some meetings, you're excited, engaged, and actively participating, while at others, a spider crawling on the wall seems more interesting to you? Organizing engaging and effective meetings can be challenging, but don't worry – we have a few tricks up our sleeve that will help you master this skill or at least give the impression that you have 😉 1. Plan the agenda There's nothing worse and more time-wasting than meetings without an agenda. It's like setting off on a journey around the world without a map and GPS. If you skip the agenda, there's a high chance you'll end up organizing a meeting that could have been an email. Establish a list of topics to discuss. This will automatically help you build the list of attendees. 2. Don't invite random people There's no point in inviting people to a meeting if they have nothing to contribute. If you need to communicate something to a large number of people – send an email. Those not interested in the topic probably won't read it, but they wouldn't have listened or actively participated in the meeting anyway. 3. Set specific goals For each agenda item, determine its purpose. Do you need a decision to be made? Or maybe you want to discuss an idea and need feedback? Write it down and make sure to work towards achieving these goals. 4. Limit distractions Introduce the acronym E.L.M.O (Enough, Let’s Move On) as a keyword that anyone can say during the meeting. Once spoken, it will work like magic, cutting off the current discussion. Then, move on to the next agenda item. This will help you avoid unnecessary digressions or getting bogged down in excessive detail. 5. Appoint an agenda guardian At the beginning of the meeting, or better yet, before the meeting, appoint someone to be the agenda guardian. Their task? To ensure that all items from the set agenda are covered and that all designated goals are achieved. Ideally, this person won't be afraid to say E.L.M.O. As a result, the meeting will wrap up within the time frame you set. 6. Summarize the meeting After the meeting, send everyone a thank you for their active participation and a brief email summary. This way, the information gathered won't get lost. You can also use apps like Notion.so to maintain a history of notes and share them with people in your company or even outside of it. You still have to deal with some mundane tasks, such as: - finding a suitable date - sending invitations - generating an online meeting link - sending meeting reminders to participants If it's a paid meeting, you'll also need to: - monitor payments - issue invoices, etc. Today, we’ve launched Zencal that is build to handle these tasks for you. So don't worry about them – automate and get every meeting off your mind. Focus on the meeting and its participants, and automate the rest of the mundane processes. By doing this, you'll save a significant amount of time and regain the ability to concentrate on truly important matters. I will really appreciate your feedback:https://www.producthunt.com/posts/zencal Wojtek ✌️
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