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  • Ready to build a thriving web3 community?

    Mehmet Avcı
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    Attention Web3 people! Looking to take your community growth to the next level? Web3 marketing just got a whole lot smarter - Meet Hardal! As you know, building a thriving community is crucial for the success of any web3 project. That's where Hardal comes in, with its easy-to-use platform designed to help you analyze user data and track essential web3 marketing metrics such as Wallet Activity Rate, Gas Usage, and Wallet Acquisition Rate. With Hardal, you'll gain invaluable insights into your community, enabling you to make informed decisions to drive growth. Plus, by joining our early access program, you'll get exclusive rewards and a firsthand look at our powerful platform. Don't forget to check out our affiliate program, offering additional perks and opportunities to leverage. -->Join our early access program now by visiting our website: https://usehardal.com/ Stay updated with our latest news and discussions on web3 marketing by following us on Twitter -->https://twitter.com/usehardal
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