SaaS Boilerplates 101 & How Marc Lou makes $133K/mo selling javascript

Vatsal Sanghvi
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Boilerplate originally referred to the rolled steel used to make boilers for steam engines in the 19th century. Over time, the term evolved to describe any standardized piece of text or code that can be reused without significant changes. Interest in SaaS has been on the rise, and many more people now want to build products. However, building products from scratch takes a lot of time, and it can be extremely frustrating. πŸ‘‰ Enter SaaS Boilerplates With the standardization of stacks and basic systems that govern SaaS tools, it has become evident that there was a need, and the time was ripe for SaaS Boilerplates. SaaS Boilerplates come with landing pages, website components, authentication modules, payment modules, and various other standard features that can save developers a significant amount of time and cost. The market is flooded with Boilerplates for various tech stacks, such as NextJS, Laravel, Swift, NuxtJS, and so forth. πŸ‘‰ Marc Lou’s Shipfast Marc Lou popularized the idea of SaaS Boilerplate. Marc Lou launched Shipfast in August 2023. He had built 27 projects prior to this and Shipfast was nothing but all his basic code organised properly. At that time, there were no solid NextJS boilerplates, and Shipfast just took off. He got traction via Product Hunt, Twitter and Hacker News and soon Shipfast went viral. Shipfast now generates $130K/mo, just 9 months after its launch. Marc has been building Shipfast in public, which has led to a lot of interest in SaaS Boilerplates. The market is now flooded with boilerplates for every major tech stack. Marc reaped the benefits of the first mover's advantage as well as the social proof via his Shipfast community. πŸ‘‰ The Evolution of Boilerplates Boilerplates are quickly turning into no-code/low-code code generation tools. For instance, Shipixen allows you to generate custom code for landing pages, waitlist pages and blogs using a simple User Interface. Boilerplates are perfectly poised to sit between code and no-code. Allow the flexibility of code with the interface of a no-code tool - that will be the core value proposition of SaaS boilerplates. PS: We have built an amazing AI SaaS Boilerplate - Builderkit, Pre Order now at This story was first featured in The Builder OS Newsletter, Consider subscribing to our newsletter ->
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