SQL or noSQL? What database tech is the best in 2023?

Tom Johnson
1 reply
I'm not a developer, but as the designer at Basedash, I'm always curious to hear from devs and founders about the tech that they're using and how the sentiment around dev stacks changes for people in different industries. Knowing what tools people use helps us build a better product, and also see where the industry is headed. To that end, we've partnered with Prisma, Timescale, Airplane, Planetscale, Singlestore, and Weaviate to survey developers for the State of Database 2023 survey. πŸ‘‰ https://stateofdb.com/ So... what database tech do you prefer and why?


Ivan Ralic
Database is a tool not an opinion. There are different needs for SQL and NoSQL, you use them according to your needs, and not the other way around πŸ˜„ Besides SQL vs NoSQL is soooo 2014. There's a bigger choice right now: ➜ SQL ➜ NoSQL ➜ Graph DB ➜ Vector DB