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  • Start-up Lessons Learned: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

    Kevin Lu
    1 reply
    When creating dotBRAND (https://shorturl.at/adrMR), our aim was to use technology to address communication problems between designers and clients. Through interviews and voting with our target audience (83 of them), we found that the top-requested features were a questionnaire system and auto-mockup. However, upon launching, we observed a preference for the questionnaire system over auto-mockup. Additionally, the actual usage by designers differed from our initial expectations. Despite my 13 years of experience as a brand designer, users' behavior with the product was quite different from what I anticipated. Have you had any similar experiences? and, what is your take from the experience?


    Kim HM
    That's completely normal. Preferences and habits of consumers change over time and with different contexts. Since the rise of various algorithms on social media, consumer behavior hasn't become clearer, but rather more fragmented. And with the assistance of various AI tools available now, these changes happen even faster.