Strategy or Experimentation?

Abigail Phillips
11 replies


Anna Sannikova
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It depends on the context)
Simon Miller
If you already have a main direction then experiments are inevitable in the process. I can judge by IT developments. I often use 1xbet app India now. It was a small app 5 years ago. However, these guys do not stop and constantly try to add new functionality. What is in demand remains in the main release.That's how business is done.
Andres Rosas Sanchez
Experimentation always show the truth ;)
Nick from FirstHR
Experiments are part of the strategy :)
Verlie Grover
Why create a false dichotomy? Strategy tells you where to experiment.
Yatheen Brahma
Ideally, you need both (start with a solid strategy and continuously experiment to refine and improve your approach based on real-world data)
Anthony Richard Thompson
Both are important! Experiments help validate or disprove assumptions in your strategy. But experiments without an overarching strategy can lead you off track. The key is to let your strategy guide what you experiment on, then use learnings to continually refine your strategy. It's an iterative loop.
Nicholas Anderson
Strategy might edge out because after experimenting it's essential to have a game plan to maximize your impact.
Ahmad Fadhol Abrori
I believe it's a balance of both. While strategy provides a roadmap, experimentation allows for course correction and innovation
Malachi Reeve
Strategy for direction , experimentation for growth.