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  • Technical SEO Tips that are often overlooked or misunderstood.

    Michael Moss
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    In reference to Jaume Ros’ latest post about beginner SEO mistakes to avoid, I’ve decided to compile 5 simple technical SEO tips that will help website crawlers understand your content. 1. Probably the most important part of Technical SEO is selecting the right KEYWORDS. When building your website architecture, you must think ahead and build a strategy with keywords around your business in mind. Pick the right keywords and you are halfway there. a) A single page must be designed and written around the main keyword. It’s better to have one keyword (What I mean by that is if your page is about shoes, do not have keywords that are used to search for jeans.) b) The main keyword must be in the H1 section of the page. And in the first paragraph as well. In H2 | H3 | H4 and so on you can use other variations or synonyms of the same keyword. c) Do not overflow your content with keywords. There should be 1-2 keywords per 100 words. If your page contains 1000 words your keywords should be no more than 10%. To find the right keywords I personally use Google Keyword Planner which can be found in your google ads account. It’s free, it shows all the important metrics surrounding your keywords. CPC / Difficulty / Trends etc. P.S. After you collect your keywords, don’t forget to go to the search engine and double-check the intent of the keyword. If when you type in the keyword in the search engine the results delivered are completely irrelevant to your business, that means that keyword is not for you. 2. Get your H1 / H2 / H3 / H4 structures right. A lot of people think that this is just headlines for your content. Unfortunately, It’s not. Head sections are there to help you build an understandable structure for Search Engine Spiders (crawlers). When structuring your page, think of it as a pyramid with the H1 being on top. H1 - there should be only one on your page. That’s where the main keyword goes. If there are two or more, crawlers simply don’t understand which content paragraph is more important than others. H2 - is a subtopic of H1. That’s where your synonyms or similar keywords go. This will probably be the one that you use the most on your page. H3 - is used only when you want to go deeper into H2's topic. It’s a subtopic of H2. (Any other relevant keywords can go there.) H4 - is used if you want to expand further into the H3 topic. It goes deeper and deeper, but probably you will H4 is the furthest you go. So in short the most common mistake people do is to mix up the subtopics with topics and the structure is all over the place. This makes it very difficult for crawlers to understand your content. Example (the full page structure should look something like this): H1 - Main topic (Do not mix this up with page title as it’s a different thing.) paragraph H2 - Subtopic of H1 paragraph H3 - Subtopic of H2 paragraph H3 - Subtopic of H2 paragraph H4 - subtopic of the second H3 paragraph H4 - subtopic of the second H3 paragraph H2 - Subtopic of H1 paragraph H3 - subtopic of the second H2 paragraph H3 - subtopic of the second H2 paragraph H2 - Subtopic of H1 paragraph and so on… and on… 3. Images - Your entire page size must be no larger than 5MB. Be mindful of the images you’re using. Only use images with the correct dimensions, fitting the page. Make sure that they are optimized and are not large in size. The best format to use is .webp. Use image compressors to compress your images even more. P.S. name your images with keywords that you want to rank for. Also, don’t forget to add alt text. There you can be ruthless with keywords. Well smart, don’t overdo it (don’t use more than one keyword in alt text and image name..) What differentiates alt text from image name is that alt text must provide information about what the image is displaying. But in general, you can use your keywords however you want. 4. URL’s - your page URL slug must contain the main keyword. This is one of the most important places where crawlers pick up your keywords. Example www.yourwebsite.com/my-page-keyword Note: do not use any other symbols, numbers or _ on your slug. The only appropriate separation sign is [ - ]. 5. Content size. This is often an overlooked concept. A lot of people like their text to be as short as possible. Search engines like long content and don’t rank short content well. Your content must be more than 300 words, ideally 1000 - 1500 words. Everything below 300 words is considered fluff by Google. Lot’s of words you say? Not really, Google and other search engines want you to deliver amazing value and position yourself as an expert in the industry in which you are working. An industry expert can talk for hours about their thing. Do the same and Google will reward you. Hope this helps. Any other tips are very welcome in the comments below!
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