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  • The biggest database of online communities

    Victor Giurgiu
    1 reply
    Hey indiehackers! How's it going? :) I'm Vic and I'm a 17 y/o bootstrapper and I created the biggest database of online communities and groups on the internet! it's called Group Hunt(trygrouphunt.com), and here's some context on why i decided to start this to help SaaS founders i used communities to grow my first SaaS to $10k+ at 17 here's a tweet about it :) https://twitter.com/PiticVic/status/1754597264960446615 you heard it right...communities :) subreddits, fb groups, IH, telegram groups and so on - i know i'm not the only one so today I am launching the biggest database of online communities in the WORLD🚀 to make it easier for everyone to validate their ideas, get customers and reach their target audience with community marketing👇 https://buy.stripe.com/00g5nE6ZQ8RIb3aeUV 40,000 active online communities for $40 - special offer for my twitter community until the 7th of feb ;) Hope this helped, and i wish everyone good luck with their projects cheers ✌️


    Great post Vic