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  • The worst thing to do during the product demo…

    Simona O'Neill
    6 replies
    Is…{ }, because …{ } . When I see people do this, it …{ }. Fill in the blanks and let’s see if we can learn from each other how to make better demos! Let’s go 😎👇🏻


    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Is not having a clear plan of what to present (script) because you can waste people's time with irrelevant things that won't sell the use case (benefit) – people's attention spans. When I see people do this, it damages their business. I inspired a little bit with the process when I do my youtube videos :)
    Simona O'Neill
    @busmark_w_nika Totally! Preparation is key. I've seen so many times people going on about different features with no clear reason why they are being shown, and how those features benefit the user.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @simona_o_neill3 and then most of the time you only hear: eeemm, ummm, nooo but this can be avoided: 1. PREPARATION 2. PRACTICE 3. SECRET TIP: POSTPROCESS :D
    Adeeb Malik
    Is showing what you want, not what prospects want to or would love to have. When I see people do this, it breaks my heart. Because oftentimes, the product is AI-mazing!
    Charlotte Nicolaou
    Is demoing a feature that the prospect specifically said they weren't interested in at the start of the call because it shows me you aren't listening. When I see people do this I don't buy. If he had asked 'I know you said you weren't interested in X, but would you like me to quickly show you how it works?' it would have been very different, instead of just going through the generic demo with no consideration to my needs.