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  • there are so many bots on here lately, starting to feel like linkedin…

    Bud Broesky
    5 replies
    i absolutely love this place, but lately there have been wayyy too many bots in discussions/comments. it’s stopped feeling as authentic of a community because of it. not to say authentic community doesnt exist here, not at all. the bots just water it down. curious if anyone else feels the same.


    Rowe Morehouse
    Sales Likelihood Calculator
    Sales Likelihood Calculator
    How can you tell?
    Bud Broesky
    @rowemore the comments i far-too often see dont add substance to any conversation, and follow a similar format of regurgitating exactly what was said in an agreeable way. as if someone fed the original comment through an ai and generated an incredibly safe, surface-level response.
    Rowe Morehouse
    Sales Likelihood Calculator
    Sales Likelihood Calculator
    @budb Totally agree! .... hahahaa, that's an example right there. In seriousness though, I see that a lot too. I had no idea they might be bots. Good observation.
    Doğukan Tezcan
    i feel the same, bots have been getting too much lately
    Bud Broesky
    @dogukan_tezcan would be interesting to build and launch a product on this platform that scans every comment on a page, runs it through gpt-zero, then removes any low-ranking ones from your visibility.