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  • Time to reflect! We're at the end of our first month of 2023. How was your January so far?

    Ghost Kitty
    89 replies
    We're already at the end of January, time flies! How did your first month of the new year go so far? Did you stay on track with your resolutions, did you do anything special or did you reach a certain goal you set for yourself already? I'm curious to hear about how you've conquered the first part of this year so far and what your next step is :)


    Natalie Mastracci
    It was a really hard few months for our Product/Development team. We challenged ourselves to perform automatic pixel injection in our new Shopify App. This was from overwhelming feedback from our customers that placing pixels slowed them down. It was really tough but we actually solved it! I'm so proud of the team for their perseverance. If we weren't so close-knit I don't think we could have achieved this together. Anyone have any suggestions of how we could celebrate? What's worked for your teams in the past? I don't want this milestone to fade away but this feels like it deserves something more special than a pizza party haha Also, If you have a moment, please check out our product launch: Squaredance for Shopify! Your support would mean a lot!
    Apollon Latsoudis
    @nmastracci Congrats on your success! It good to know that it was a team efforts. Time perhaps for a relaxing weekend excursion with the team? Somewhere peaceful without the influences of work
    🔨 Travis Page 🔨
    Goals are on track; diet is not. Time to stop eating double cheeseburgers an hour before the gym & finally try a vegetable.
    Louis Cirignano
    @travis_page I can relate! I’ve been lifting for around 15 years, and had what I thought was a great diet, but recovering from Covid body was not happening! Haha I just started working with a nutritionist and it’s wonderful! Way more direction and accountability, I definitely recommend giving it a shot. Mine also did a lot of testing which removes the guess work!
    🔨 Travis Page 🔨
    @fam_socialfinance I dig this. Im going to start small with one vegetable, graduate to two, once I get to fruits then I will consider a nutritionist. Baby steps.
    🔨 Travis Page 🔨
    @jason_andries1 I just turned 30 and Im sure the happy meal X Deadlift combo will stop working for me soon.
    Nick Mazikov
    Everything is great! Lots of startups who have found investment for their projects thanks to us! And this is our main goal
    Nathaniel Karmy
    Stressful but keeps me opportunistic that I have a whole new year to improve and excel at what I do best. Take everyday as a lesson.
    Royce Wong
    💪 Moved from full time 9-5 to all time founder for inorbit.io 🎉 Celebrating with our team with a few key feature releases
    Louis Cirignano
    With so much volatility across almost every market, there is a lot of opportunity out there! I’ve definitely noticed way more energy at least in the real estate market. The years what you make it😁
    Did one product from start to MVP, now slowly getting feedback. So quite exciting!
    Kate Santoro
    I got to spend most of it working remotely from the States (I'm an expat living in Spain), so I'd say pretty good. Seeing my family after a day of work was great :)
    Kate Santoro
    @jason_andries1 Spain is great for so many reasons! A more balanced lifestyle, more focus on social life, great food, and social services. But you can never replace family, and there are certainly some other things from the US that I miss too.
    Sherry Xena
    The first month was pretty good
    Zain Sheikh
    One month into 2023 and it's time for some self-reflection on my goals. Although I was determined to make this year a success, the rise in prices, inflation, and other challenges have made me reconsider my approach. Time for a reassessment of the situation.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I have created many things, but I still do not have that feeling. Anyway – I attended the educational event that I enjoyed, created posts, claimed deals, met new people, and can't stop. 😁
    Anastasia C
    swamped in Jan. did a business trip, will launch an e-book on PH, and have prepared a BP. almost burn out
    Martin Balle
    A bit hectic 😅 but we managed to reach all our milestones, finish our MVP and onboard our initial test users. Now for onboarding the first people from our waiting list. 👀 And I made a New Years resolution that I would bump up my workout routine to three days a week, and so far I've stuck to it. 🤞
    Anoir Houmou
    So far so good, there's been a lot happening but it's always good to stay busy
    This January has been great. Funny to think that this January actually ran so fast; thanks also to my activities on Kryptview; the first Research-to-Earn platform for cryptos. Yeah! Great January...
    Alexis Khvatov
    Wow, the first month of 2023 is already over and what a great start to the new year! January has been full of positive energy and has kept me inspired, motivated and energized. All the resolutions that we had set for ourselves seem to be going strong, and it's exciting to see them being put into action! I've managed to stay focused on my goals this month and have worked diligently towards meeting them by taking small yet consistent steps every day. Though I feel like I have so much left to accomplish this year, it's lovely to take some time to reflect on how far I have already come during January — it's amazing how your hard work brings progress even if it seems small at first. Here's to awesome achievements in February!
    Jonayed Tanjim
    HarvyAI - Professional Email Assistant
    HarvyAI - Professional Email Assistant
    It's been very busy for us. Done building our MVP with some beta testers. Tweaking some features. Hope to launch very soon. Super pumped. 🚀
    Exciting yet busy and sometimes overwhelming. Overall great start for the year.
    Jonathan D
    I quit smoking! And defined OKR :)
    Rebecca Tany
    Failed to arrive at my goal. I was sick in January, all the work is a bit slow.