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  • Type of Product Videos you like the most - Makers explaining their products Or Graphic Animations?

    Kapil Gadhire
    13 replies


    ankita singh
    Graphic Animation with energetic audio! It may also depend on type of product, weather it needs detailed explanation or a good Graphic video will work.
    Misha Krunic
    It's always nice to hear from makers what motivated them to create the product and what their goals are. However, I really appreciate it when there's a clear showcase of the product's functionality and benefits.
    Stefani Kovachevska
    I'd say it's a yes to both - you need a catchy first impression video that impresses and attracts a lead in the first place. I think this is where graphics could come in handy because you'd explain a use case better and trigger certain emotions/questions in the watcher's head. A maker walkthrough to the product is the next step, it adds brand transparency and commitment, and it's a great way to showcase the vision in a personal way.
    Ninad Sail
    Informative with bit of graphics. Creative animation also works great with product
    Mayank Bishwas
    I prefer graphic animations with clear instructions and chapters. However, when a maker explain why his/her product stands out/USPs, that comes out more convincing.
    Gaive Glodenyte
    Might depend on the product. I do prefer graphic animations - usually they are simplified and easy to understand.
    Pritam Nanda
    Honestly there is no one answer. I have seen (and built!) some amazing graphic animation videos and also videos of makers explaining their products. It all boils down to preference. If the makers are confident in front of the camera, and can stick together an amazing story then that would the best way to go about it. On the other hand, a well made graphic animation video can explain the product more precisely. I am working on launching Findz soon. It's currently listed on the upcoming page. We decided to go with a graphic animation video of our upcoming page. Would love to hear some feedback from you. Here's the link : www.producthunt.com/upcoming/findz Thanks.
    Vanshika Chaturvedi
    Though an animation may be more eye-catching, it is better for the maker actually explain the product. That way you get to know the real ideas behind the product and I feel no one can explain the product better than the maker.
    Tanya Sharma
    really depends on the story you tell and the reason for creating the video. Personally for SaaS, it's nice to have explainer videos if your goal is to drive adoption. If you're just building a waitlist and testing messaging an animated story could work!
    Fariz Hakim
    I tend to "dislike" more and more of the typical illustrative explainer videos. Just because too many people use it and they all sound and look the same. But other than that, really depending on what type of product, how complicated it is and whether people have seen something similar. (explaining another social media platform would definitely takes less time than a state-of-the-art, full-stack, data analytics tool)
    Michael Kosorukov
    @fariz_hakim Totally agree! I guess the format doesn't matter that much as long as you vid is not generic.
    Graphic animation with clear & precise copy, excellent audio & short timed! Any day. 👋
    Carsten Pleiser
    For our launch today, we decided to go with a video of one of our founders combined with real product screenshots/animations.