Useful Open Source Projects

Kartike Bansal
9 replies
I'm a fan of Open Source projects. Share the open source projects you've used before and want others to know.


flo merian
great topic, @kraten! recently started and enjoyed using:
  • - Plausible, alternative to Google Analytics;
  • -, alternative to Calendly;
  • - Dub, alternative to Bitly.
how about you?
Kartike Bansal
@fmerian Thanks for sharing! All are great products. I've heard a lot of good things about Plausible and soon will give it a go for SpeedVitals( I'm currently exploring listmonk(, alternative of Mailchimp.
Esus πŸ›‘οΈ
@johnrushx from might have some insights πŸ‘€
Frond Open Office Mozilla