We're launching tomorrow! Here are a few of the best guides I found to help with your launch. πŸ‘‹

Johnny Wordsworth
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- Ultimate Product Hunt launch guide - Learnings from over 10 launches https://streamlabs.com/content-hub/post/podscast-editor-product-hunt-learnings - How we made our 4th Product Hunt launch so much more impactful https://blog.tactiq.io/how-we-made-product-hunt-launch-4th-spot-more-impactful-than-a-1-993c426c6d9d - How to get to the top of Product Hunt + online broadcast of the launch day + results and conclusions https://medium.com/@nataliekarakina/interview-guide-how-to-get-to-the-top-of-product-hunt-online-broadcast-of-the-launch-day-d91a5adf3de4 - How 15 #1 founders made it happen https://www.growthmentor.com/blog/product-hunt-launch/ We're launching Anecdote (a customer feedback and bug analysis tool) tomorrow - hope to see you out there!
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