Weekend hustlers are you working or chilling over the weekend?

Vlad Zivkovic
32 replies
Share your weekend progress if you are working on Saturday and Sunday!


Rowe Morehouse
Sales Likelihood Calculator
Sales Likelihood Calculator
I'm working on my finances this weekend. Getting more organized. Need to see where I'm at. At the pool right now, though!! :)
Vaibhav Kalra
I'll be working this weekend, actually. I've got a product launch coming up next week and I've got a lot to get done. How about you, what are your plans?
Chilling - just try and work in the week
Sandra Djajic
Hunted Space
Hunted Space
Launching soon!
Our launch is happening on Tuesday so working hard this weekend.
Vlad Zivkovic
@sandradjajic Good luck with your launch,I wish you all the best! I've actually seen Klu at the pitch deck of one of your competitors recently. I'll be there to upvote on a Tuesday.
Rowe Morehouse
Sales Likelihood Calculator
Sales Likelihood Calculator
Any specific PH launch strategies you want to share? @sandradjajic
Andreas Møller
I don’t work much over the weekend, if I am doing anything it is usually smaller less fun jobs I have been looking forward to. Make sure to take time off from your company, both for personal reasons, but also because this is when great ideas usually happen.
Richard Gao
@andreas_toddle 100%, for me, great ideas usually occur when I'm just about to fall asleep haha
Andreas Møller
@richard_gao2 That is the most annoying thing :)I always seem to have technical ideas when I am away from a computer for an extended period of time so I cant test them out :)
Anton von Hunerbein
Working but i chill during weekdays sometimes when i need a break. How do you do it?
Richard Gao
As a student, especially during exams, I have no choice but to hustle during the weekends :)
Currently launching my first product today, so no weekend for me, keeps me busy :D
More generally speaking- when working on your own projects, it feels like "weekend" doesn't mean much- at least for me- it's just a matter of how much and when you want to work on it.
Vlad Zivkovic
@maelus I agree, working on your own project is 7 days a week.
@vladimir_zivkovic 💯 And even if not coding or directly working on it it still there as a background task anyway haha
Valorie Jones
Conversa - Videos That Talk back
Conversa - Videos That Talk back
Well, this is tax weekend, I think that counts as work.
The Simple Finance Tracker
The Simple Finance Tracker
Have to work during the weekend! My 9-5 just takes too much time during the week, and it's only possible for me to properly create during the weekend. How is it for you?
Vlad Zivkovic
@felix_digistash I quit my 9-5 some 8 years ago and since than is 24-7.
Vlad Zivkovic
@ceyguz it's not like you work 24/7, but there is always something in the back of your head about the project even if you don't work 😁
Rowe Morehouse
Sales Likelihood Calculator
Sales Likelihood Calculator
@felix_digistash @vladimir_zivkovic Yep ... 24/7 but working for yourself is usually super fun for me. I worked 11 hours yesterday, and it was great.
Brandon Scott
Astro Typers
Astro Typers
Launching soon!
Working this weekend on our game as well as its launch on here :)