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  • What are some unique productivity tips you use?

    Tobe T
    32 replies


    Justin McGill
    AI Detector by CaS
    AI Detector by CaS
    One unique productivity strategy I use is called the Pomodoro Technique. I set a timer for 25 minutes and work on a specific task with complete focus. Once the timer goes off, I take a short break of 5 minutes. This helps me maintain my concentration and prevents burnout throughout the day.
    Muhammad Ali
    I list out the daily habits I want to develop and track my progress.
    Launching soon!
    One unique productivity hack I use is creating a "done" list alongside my to-do list. Throughout the day, I mark tasks and accomplishments as I complete them.
    Ivy Lee Method 🙌🙌 I plan my up to 6 tasks per my work day, prioritise them by urgency and stick to the schedule
    Tobe T
    @sandradjajic May you please provide further details about the Ivy Lee method?
    @tobe_taiwo well it is basically what I wrote haha you plan up to 6 tasks per your work day and organise them by urgency/priority
    I use the Pomodoro Technique: work intensely for 25 min, then take a 5 min break. After 4 pomodoros, I take a 20-30 min break. Repeat.
    Lydia Wang
    Pomodoro 25 min timer is pretty useful
    Launching soon!
    I set specific goals within defined time periods and exert my maximum effort to achieve them. If I fall short, I reassess and set a new timeline, persistently working towards completing the task. Once accomplished, I reward myself with a short break and a walk, which reenergizes me for extended periods of focused work. This continuous routine enables me to accomplish my goals and maintain productivity throughout the day.
    Elissa Craig
    I have a productivity candle! For whatever reason, when I light the candle, I focus so well and am extremely productive.
    A very-lesser-known tactic: Chat with people who have "been there, done that". This is significantly going to better you in the different aspects of work.
    Soner Alemdar
    Time blocks during the day!
    suman saurabh
    As someone who has wrestled with productivity hacks for eons, I would like to share some unique productivity tips that I've found helpful over the years. Firstly, take a break every 90 minutes. After this time frame, the likelihood of distraction increases, and your productivity begins to decline. A quality break can help you to recharge, refresh and refocus. Secondly, batch your repetitive tasks together. Instead of multitasking, give blocks of time to complete specific tasks, get them done, then move on. By using this method, you can optimize your workflow to be more efficient and focused.
    Akanksha ~ Prodactivate
    I don't wait for 3PM or 5:30PM exact. I start whatever work I have even at 6:24PM XD
    My (unique) productivity hack is to hang out in friendly discord channels; I don't know why but the voice channel chatter really helps me to focus on whatever I need to focus on
    The Twitter Second Brain
    The Twitter Second Brain
    save videos that you find hilarious and watch them back whenever you're tired, sad or angry.
    Yasmin Atkinson
    Love the topic. I'm a big fan of the Pomodoro technique - 25 min work, 5 min break, repeat. Keeps the burnout at bay.
    Garland Coulson (Captain Time)
    I actually focus and don't multitask. Focus is our secret superpower.
    Mat F.G
    I reply to non-urgent emails at 3 PM. People will reply only the next day, so I can remain focused.
    Sakshi Gahlawat
    The Pomodoro Technique: It means working in focused bursts of time, typically 25 minutes, followed by a short break. This technique can help maintain focus and prevent burnout.
    Apollon Latsoudis
    I organize the day based on the single most important thing that needs to be done. If I manage to complete this important task during the day, then I register the day as successful. The remaining tasks are organized based on Eisenhower's Urgent/Important Principle. I also keep reminding myself of delegation as the mind keeps trying to create artificial stressful situations by amassing tasks, whereas most of them can be either delegated or be solved by time it self