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  • What are the most effective channels or methods to promote open-source products?

    Zero Zhang
    2 replies
    For a new open-source product, how do I let people know about me and start exploring? Can you share your experience and views with me, thanks a lot! 😊


    flo merian
    @zero_zhang hey Ling! I recently had a conversation with @aczemiel from GraphQL Editor -- open-source GraphQL IDE -- on marketing OSS on Reddit and GitHub. key takeaways
    1. Polish the README file -- read more in this discussion;
    2. Get early feedback from friends to nail it;
    3. Search GitHub for relevant keywords to describe your package;
    4. Include them in the repo description;
    5. Promote on subreddits related to your technologies and languages;
    6. Set up a schedule, like a weekly cadence to commit;
    7. Balance resolved/unresolved issues;
    8. Promote on Hacker News
    More recently, I also started listing awesome places to post your OSS project on GitHub. hope it helps :)