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  • What are the steps to define your Target audience?

    Bibhu Panda
    3 replies


    Oleksandr Bulavin
    Speaking about SaaS, create an ability to enter personal information that would help you to analyze paid customers in product analytic tools such as Amplitude or Mixpanel. Break down your audience between paid and unpaid users and analyze personal info about paid users for the last 3 months such as age, country, marital status, etc. Then find these users in your database and schedule interviews to validate problem-solution fit. Hear your paid users’ pains and what gains bring your product, then try to match it with the unpaid audience with the same demographic info. The question here: does my product solve problems this particular type of user has? If the answer is yes, then ask yourself the following: how to move the same type of free users to paid ones? Hope it helps ✌️
    Bibhu Panda
    @oleksandr_bulavin That's awesome advice. I will this with my friends who are creating products in saas space.