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  • What are you looking for when you using AI chatbot?

    8 replies
    Are you usually use AI chatbot with personality? What are you looking for? Accompany or just give your emotions an out put?


    Lindsay Davis
    I didn't see AI chatbots with ready-made personalities yet. I use ChatGPT most of the time, because it can be whoever you want, just say it in your prompt. But I usually don't set a personality, as I don't need it for my results.
    @imlindsay I see, I talked about something like character.ai. Have you ever used it before?
    Jessica Liu
    I would like to have a humorous AI chatbot. it can make jokes just like a human and also knows the slang we are using at present.
    @jessicaliu Would you define yourself as a moderate/deep user of this type of product?