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  • What are your Goals for this Week?

    Maxwell Davis
    91 replies
    Mine are: - Hire a developer for my Twitch Project - Finish the MVP for 30 Days to Launch


    Sven Radavics
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    Pitch 50 businesses for fractional services Reach out to 50 prospective investors Stay married
    @sven_radavics What's the first one about? I have the same "Stay Married" goal πŸ˜‚
    Amparo Diaz
    Launch fractional services Pitch 23 businesses on fractional services
    Alec Nguyen
    Launching soon!
    get #1 Product of the day. Your support would be awesome.
    Make it to Friday.
    Simon Peter Damian
    @andrewdietekoki nice. What are you building?
    Andrew Diete-Koki
    @theterminalguy I recently started working on archiving useful tools and resources for creatives and teams. See it here: www.norru.app
    Kevin Lu
    1. Raising the D1R and D7R number 2. Submit our product to PH
    @dot_brand DR1 and D7R number? What's that?
    Kevin Lu
    @maxwellcdavis The day 1 retention rate and the day 7 retention rate are the metric that reflects your product's onboarding experience and Aha moment~
    Get consistent with my Linkedin content
    Launch Hirevire.com on Product Hunt tomorrow πŸŽ‰ Send out our regular email update Write posts for slack groups, IH and HN Write changelog entries for the AI transcriptions update. Start building out a Notion knowlegde base
    Igor Lysenko
    Complete with the team those tasks that were planned last week.
    Buse Kara
    Managing well the PH launching process. :)
    Sandy Kong
    AI Notebook App
    AI Notebook App
    -Lauched EmailGPT https://www.producthunt.com/post... -Get the first paid customer conversion Please support us guysπŸš€
    I have watched Goal Guys's video on Andrew Huberman Morning Routine, and will try to do those habits this week. Here is the link if anyone is interested:
    Good luck with your search for a dev and MVP Launch! My goals are to finish all the tasks by Friday so I can enjoy the beach :D
    @deluar_001 Taking any specific steps to do so?
    Axel Borry
    Being the #1 Product of the day tomorrow will be incredible. But without your support, it's impossible πŸ€©πŸš€
    Emma Jensen
    Get as many backlinks as possible
    Simon Peter Damian
    Outbound sales; cold outreach mostly
    Brayden Chinner
    My goal is not to miss sports, because there is a vacation ahead and I need to be fit:)
    Focus or Relax
    Focus or Relax
    Making my first launch product to 100 upvoted
    Bunyamin Duduk
    A better view of what I want to reach with the product I am working on Staying healthy and fit :)