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  • What content is suitable for AI summarization, and what isn’t?

    17 replies
    I’ve seen many AI tools for summarizing articles and videos. What kinds of professionals are using these products? In my experience, if you're learning something new, it's better not to use AI summarization directly, as you may miss many important details. For other areas, let’s say I ask AI to summarize a book for me. After reading the summary, have I truly finished reading the book? Is that really the case? Please share your thoughts on the scenarios and techniques for using AI summarization.


    Nitesh Jamod
    AI summarisation works best for structured content like news articles, reports, or blog posts, but may struggle with creative writing, nuanced opinions, or heavily context-dependent material.
    @nitesh_jamod I completely agree with your point; artificial intelligence should always be the one to handle dull tasks :D
    Lisa Stanley
    Long-form articles, reports, or research papers are perfect for AI summarization, but creative content like poetry or storytelling might lose its essence if summarized too much.
    @lisa_stanley Exactly, I also believe that articles with divergent thinking are not suitable for summarization, while objective facts and news are the best candidates for summaries.
    Jaime Lawson
    The short text or short updates may not require summarisation because they are already concise and to the point.
    Hazel Mathew
    AI summarization works great for high-level overviews of long articles or reports. It helps me grasp the main points quickly without diving into every detail.
    @hazel_mathew I agree, we usually prioritize it when we need an overview, it's done instantly and it's too much work to read through the article and do the overview yourself.
    Lazar J
    I use AI summaries to get a quick gist of a book or article, but I always go back to the full text if I need to dive deeper into the details.
    @lazar_j1 I have to admit that AI summarization can indeed serve as a guide for us. It saves us time in making judgments and helps avoid some potentially poor book choices :D
    Phoebe Marshall
    For complex subjects or deep learning, I find it’s better to read the full content. Summaries can miss nuances that are crucial for thorough understanding.
    @phoebe_marshall I completely agree with your viewpoint. I think it's a great approach to have AI help us create an outline and summary before we start reading. Then, we can review each point in detail according to the outline and summary, which can really boost our efficiency!
    Summary reading scenarios are more suited to news, less important articles and posts, which saves time. For research or study in a field that requires in-depth knowledge, a summary can understand where you need to find the information you need rather than reading through the entire text, assuming you already have a little bit of a foundation of information in that field. When studying a new field, you need an explanation rather than an abstract. Because you can't understand what is meant in the abstract!
    @awesomeyang That's a very accurate point! I believe the same. Sometimes, when people use AI inefficiently or incorrectly, it can actually be less effective than doing things manually. I think these guiding principles and methods are valuable. Perhaps we could consider integrating AI to co-create a product that enhances people's lives more effectively?
    Business Marketing with Nika
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    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I usually do when I need an abstract of the latest news. I see an article that is 5,000 or more characters long but my prompt is: "Summarise this briefly." I need a keypoints.
    @busmark_w_nika Your approach is definitely something I can learn from. This way, we can more efficiently filter through the overwhelming sources of information in our daily lives to find what we really want to see.