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  • What daily rules allow you to be more productive in your daily work?

    Othmane Khadri
    3 replies
    Honestly, I've felt for two years for the following : Working more hours = More results. But that's completely false, AI is the best example. Many tasks can just be automated through AI workflows and scale your work capacity. But here are 3 rules I follow: 1/ When I start to get bored on a task I push for 20-30 more minutes, after that if I am still bored I stop it and go to the next. 2/ Daily activity to release all the potential anxiety/stress my body may have experienced. 3/ Find a way to delegate low-value tasks. Either to people or to technology. What about you guys?


    Penny Hartley
    Great rules and mind set! For me, it was finding my "go time" - the time of the day where I am most productive. It seems to be different for everyone and it took me a while to figure out that I work best at night so I try to change my routine to fit it. Of course, that's not possible for everyone but if you have some power over how you structure your work day, I can definitely recommend it. I also agree that hanging on tasks, is not worth it. It's best to keep rotating and it's always better to get back to something with a fresh pair of eyes. General rules I have: get fresh air 3 times a day, even if it's just standing outside for a minute. Always change into "working clothes" even though I work from home. Exercise and always make sure you eat and drink, even if it's busy. There have to be 5 minutes to replenish your energy!
    Zebracat AI
    Zebracat AI
    Launching soon!
    Have a good sleep at night and start early in the morning.
    Sakshi Gahlawat
    Multitasking can be counterproductive, as it can distract you from the task at hand. Instead, focus on one task at a time and complete it before moving on to the next.