What day of the week did/will you release your product and why?
AR Bell
11 replies
Slim Geransar@slimmy82
REI Litics
Thinking Monday, if my hypothesis is right, big launch days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Saturdays are big too. So if I have a better chance on Monday due to less competition great, that way I can get in the top 5 or so then get on Tuesdays Newsletter! Sunday is not a competitive day either, but if the the newsletter goes out Monday, I feel everyone is catching up on the 56682628 emails and tasks left from Friday and the weekend.
Lol I guess that’s my unproven logic
Probably less traffic days. Since, it's going to be my first product, I'd want to be in the top 5 products. If that happens, I can be a part of PH newsletter (which would be an acheivement for me).
@zuhaib_ashfaq Do you know when you are releasing?
I'm going this week! Middle of the month. It's fun to see the whole community in the early days!!
Thursday 14