What do you do before your launch day to build an audience?

Levent Askan
2 replies
Last week, we started to build an audience for our side project - saasscreenshots.com - and exceeded 200+ leads. I wanted to share what we did and get your suggestions regarding the launch day preparations. 0- Build your audience first! You have many things to do if you want to collect emails or make a list of followers before your launch. You can build a landing page, schedule your launch on Product Hunt and start sending posts through your social media accounts. 1- Find your main competitors and check who shared a tweet related to them. Afterward, you can send a DM to the accounts who engaged. 2- Make a list of your high-target keywords and reach out to people who shared a post including those keywords. 3- Define your Ideal Client Profile (ICP) and try to reach them through different platforms. 4- Check the products that made a launch on Product Hunt and reach out to accounts who left a comment under the product page. 5- Build in public and create a project page on Indie Hackers. 6- Find related groups on Reddit. 7- Make a list of communities that you can ping. 8- Keep posting content related to your launch and update your followers by the launch day. For the full article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/we-collected-200-leads-its-still-counting-levent-a%25C5%259Fkan/?trackingId=lYZ7R21sQICV%2BpaxqEIYFw%3D%3D


Arda Diker
Very helpful πŸ‘