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  • What green products, tools, websites do you know of?

    Ali Alsayed
    10 replies
    By green I mean a product that uses green hosting, doesn't install too many ad trackers or at least offsets it’s carbon emissions by planting trees for example. It could be any type of product. Analytics, marketing, design, news etc.


    Nico Spijker
    https://www.ecosia.org/ -- is a pretty legit search engine that donates a good part of its profits to planting trees :)
    Maddie Lee
    I don't use them or know much about them, but I always thought this company's value prop was interesting: https://www.linkedin.com/company...
    https://www.time-planet.com/fr is working to fight global warming. :)
    Radu Judele
    Ethical Product Alternatives
    Ethical Product Alternatives
    Of the top of my head I can think of mojeek.com, greennet.org.uk, posteo.de, usearnold.com, kualo.co.uk and greennet.org.uk. There are plenty more though. Selfish plug, I built an open-source browser extension called Ethical Product Alternatives to help you discover new, more ethical tools focused on privacy. You can get it here: https://ethicalhq.com/ethical-pr... (or find us on Product Hunt) Hope you find this useful @ali_alsayed
    Caroline Schneider
    Being green means to us to minimize our digital carbon footprint. This is why we created a tool that allows other developers to measure and reduce their website's CO2 emissions. If you're interested in this topic too, check out GreenFrame.io