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  • What I learnt about marketing! Part #1

    Sayoni Dutta Roy
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    Context: I am a Software Engineer and have absolutely zero idea about how to market my own products. But I am embarking on a journey to learn and will share my learnings here. Follow along if you are on the same journey! How a cocktail bar in New York broke through the noise! Jim Meehan wanted to open a cocktail bar in New York! But there was a huge problem. New York is filled with cocktail bars. So how could he stand out? After days of brainstorming, he remembered something from his childhood. His uncle used to build these secret cabinets in his basement just for fun. He decided to do something similar. So he setup a vintage phone booth in the corner of his hot dog restaurant. You had to dial a specific number from this partially hidden phone booth. If you were lucky enough to get a reservation, the phone booth would open up for you to enter the grand bar. Do you know what he named the bar? 'Please Don't Tell'. Thus without spending a single penny on advertising, Jim Meehan created one of the most sought after cocktail bars in New York!
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