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  • What is the best piece of advice and/or worst piece of advice when it comes to community building?

    Justin Johnson
    7 replies
    Author Brene Brown often asks a similar question at the end of her interviews with people. I'm curious to hear what people have to say when it comes to community building, especially on this platform. I'll go first... Best: Be authentic. Have a point of view you can stand behind while being open to change. Worst: Put ad dollars behind it. Drive the follower count up so you have an audience.


    I am a big fan of Brene Brown myself, and before I even read your questions body text was going to name authenticity as best advice. When we look deeper though, I guess vulnerability would be the next step. It wouldn't just be enough of being natural and honest, it would also require to truly bond and create resonance with your community. As the worst goes... I guess it would be any type of manipulation. Misrepresentation of the brand or product, provoking drama, creating controversial content to trigger public etc. It might work to get more clicks and reactions, but it's unlikely to convert into a customer.
    Justin Johnson
    @santalo Vulnerability! Another good thing that I'm sure Brene Brown would echo. So true. And completely agree with the manipulation point. Can't tell you how many times I see posts that try to drive engagement with false or even fake content. Oddly enough, I see it on linkedin a good amount. It's terrible. I see a post about something like a child passing away but then see the exact same post with the same picture of the kid from someone else's post!! Who does that?!
    Ann Ezexel
    I fully support thesis - to be sincere. And we use the same in our Artes, because it is impossible to support a person at the moment of realizing the diagnosis of cancer by being insincere.
    Justin Johnson
    @k_kibo your business in particular must be sincere and authentic since your customers are going through such a traumatic rollercoaster. Similar to having a good bedside manner.
    nard Leo
    I know. A challenge each day, and come back the next day for a new challenge. The weaver game challenges your brain with words.
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    Keva Jolie
    Best: Listen to your community and genuinely engage with them. Show that you value head soccer their input and make them feel heard. Worst: Ignore negative feedback and only focus on creating a positive image of the community.