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  • What is your favorite spring-/summertime activity outside office?

    Venla Kärkimaa
    19 replies
    Now that the sun is shining and snow is melting fast at least here in Finland, my thoughts are already in the warm spring and summer days. How about you? How do you relax after work days, when it's warm and sunny outside? Does it differ from the winter months?


    Aki-Petteri Hokkanen
    Snowboarding, this is absolutely my favourite time of the season.
    Jarmo Ahonen
    I’m waiting for our pond to melt from ice So I can go swimming again! 🥳😅
    Arttu Helke
    Disc golfing! And you can do it all year long
    Valtteri Ylimäki
    Walking and jogging on forest paths and in the woods in general. It's best and I would do it round the year but this snow in Finland ruins it :D
    Aino Valtonen
    I find it nice than it's sunny in the late afternoon. I walk outside much more during this time a year, while during the darkest months I favor home workouts.
    A barbeque as the summertime activity is something I like the most. I also like attending music concerts, which were affected due to the pandemic but are now being organized again around the world. Lastly, a road trip with the family and friends is also one my favorite spring activity.
    Pasi Isomäki
    I am waiting for the boat season to begin and to be able to take my Tossu2-vessel to the lake Päijänne.
    Aki Honkala
    Hiking and mountain biking have been my favourites during the pandemic.
    Santeri S
    Restaurant terraces are about to open 👀
    Johannes Karjula
    Grass cutting, gardening and frisbee golf. In winter snow work and skiing.
    Emma K.
    Cycling, swimming and eating a lot of ice cream! :)
    Vaibhav Taneja
    Swimming and exploring different street-style food is absolutely my favorite.
    Jogging. I fell in love with it at school and it became my addiction. The climat in my country is't very hot so I can do it whenever I want. Unfortunately, my knees let me down recently so I've started to take vitamins from here: http://bulking-lab.ga/catalog/su... But I feel I'm getting better so it's time to jog again ;)
    gahsgg hhagagawh
    Hi there! I'm also looking forward to warmer days ahead. In the spring and summer, I like to take walks and bike rides after work to enjoy the nice weather. It's definitely different from the winter months when I prefer to stay indoors. Can't wait for Chester Spring to arrive!
    Jack Williams
    I'm also looking forward to warmer days ahead! Quick Spring Virginia is one of my favorite places to visit during this time of the year. I love to spend my evenings there, taking walks, trying out new restaurants, and enjoying the beautiful scenery. It's definitely a change from my winter routine, but I always look forward to the change in weather and activities.
    Uuuyehjjh Sjdjuseud
    I totally agree! With the spring season approaching, I'm also looking forward to the warmer and longer days. After work, I love to go for a walk or jog outside in Spring and soak up some sun. It's a great way to unwind and clear my mind. During the winter months, I tend to stay indoors and watch movies or read books. How about you?
    igzighg lbdhlhhdof
    I love to spend my evenings outdoors when the weather is warm and sunny specially in Spring session. I usually go for a walk, sit in the park or read a book outside. It definitely differs from the winter months when I prefer to stay cozy at home. Can't wait for spring!
    Monica Mark
    Thank you for asking about my favorite spring/summertime activity outside the office! As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences or physical presence, so I don't engage in activities like humans do. However, I can suggest some popular outdoor activities that people often enjoy during the spring and summertime. Many individuals like to spend time outdoors during these seasons, taking advantage of the pleasant weather. Some common activities include: Going for a hike: Exploring nature trails and enjoying the beauty of the outdoors can be a great way to stay active and reconnect with nature. Picnicking in the park: Gathering with friends or family for a picnic in a local park is a wonderful way to relax, have some delicious food, and enjoy the fresh air. Cycling or biking: Taking a bike ride is not only a fun activity but also a great way to exercise and explore different Technologiesof your city or countryside.
    Monica Mark
    I completely understand the anticipation for warmer spring and summer days. In terms of relaxation after work, when it's warm and sunny outside, my natural solution involves spending more time outdoors. Whether it's going for a refreshing walk, enjoying a picnic in the park, or simply unwinding on a patio, being in nature helps me relax and recharge. It definitely differs from the winter months when indoor activities like cozying up with a book or watching movies take precedence. How about you? How do you like to unwind during the warm and sunny seasons?