What laws define the added level of complexity that systems tend to take on over time?
Terrence Kelleman
8 replies
I've been pondering the way that products and online sales channels have evolved over the past decade.
Simple things like email or blogs have evolved into complex systems. In the same way that newly launched apps have a minimal set of tools and then grow with more complexity over time... are there any rules that guide this in the way that computing function (Moore's law) defines transistors?
Mia Sophia Walker@miasophiawalker
My understanding is that systems tend to gain complexity over time due to the combined effects of evolving user expectations and new technological capabilities. As users get accustomed to a system, they start demanding more features and functions. And as the underlying tech improves, there are more possibilities to meet those expanding demands. So the two kind of feed into each other, leading to growing system complexity. That's my take on it, but curious to hear others' views too!
Thanks for joining the discussion @miasophiawalker that's such an important insight! Realizing that the evolving tech capability itself ads to the evolution as it grows to meet the demands of the users.
These invisible systems are so intriguing and so important to understand in the context of product development - otherwise we're just being pushed around by every wind and current!
i would say law of requisite verity o control complex system ,the controlling system needs to be equally complex
Wow thanks @safaa_bird for adding that to the convo! This could also apply to organizations as a whole as they try to adapt to their own internal challenges of growth and demand. Fascinating! Thanks for sharing
I just like apps start with basic functions and expand, systems become more intricate as they add new capabilities and integrations to stay relevant.
@chaity_okpalanozie yes it's a common thing we witness, from computer programs to the growth of a forest. There is a typical life cycle that we can see - that's why I'm interested in finding out more - that's where there is an opportunity for deeper understanding.
I think there’s no single law like Moore's Law for this, but it’s more about how technology and user needs evolve.
From what I’ve observed, there isn’t a specific law like Moore’s for this kind of growth. Instead, it’s about how technology adapts to changing needs and how developers add features over time, which makes systems more complex.