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  • What makes a product more successful?

    Manoj R
    14 replies


    Maciej Stachowicz
    A Valuable product 4 sure, but i think lots of founders forgeting that most consumers buys with their eye, product need to be build visualy pleasing for end use
    Manoj R
    @maciej_stachowicz What if a product has the most advanced AI features but is not user-friendly? Will it survive?
    André J
    Strong differentiator
    André J
    @manoj_11 Customers only adopt products that they deem worthy of of the hassle of ditching what they use today and adopt something new. And to of mind is always what's the differentiator. What makes it better than what I already use. You can make valuable product. Say a website chatbot. But very few users/customers will use adopt it. Because it has no added benefit over what intercom and crisp already offer. This is the biggest fallacy developers make. confusing value with differentiator, and why most products fail. Full disclosure: I also thought value was enough until 4 years ago.
    Artyom Sviridov
    I think, it's a combination of all these elements.
    Henry Habib
    Good product, people and positive feedback...
    Agnieszka Rybij
    First step is to have a valuable product but all of the things you mentioned can make it more successful
    Manoj R
    @agnieszka_rybij Yes, being valuable is being cheap in some cases?
    moji AI wearable
    moji AI wearable
    First of all, you need good marketing for your product to find customers. Secondly, the good user interface and performance of the application makes it easy for the user to get hooked and start using the product on a regular basis.
    Ilyes Ouhadj
    All of the above ofc! Strong marketing + Bad product == High Churn Rates! Great product + Bad Marketing == No Users! Great Product + Strong Marketing == Strong customer relationships