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  • What matters more Upvotes or Comments?

    ankita singh
    8 replies
    Its so confusing to understand what will make you enter the top 5 list on PH. Even though the upvotes are more the product with less comments will go down. Did figure out this calculations yet?


    They say it is the pure count of upvotes (confirmed from Product hunt support on chat - should have taken a screenshot) for a product.
    Andrii Kpyto
    @nick_mapup not sure :) We got more votes with our product on launching day, but still get second place
    ankita singh
    @nick_mapup @kpyto I think they consider the comments too
    @kpyto I agree its somethng else too. I wish the PH support could have gven us the real deets here. Reviews and comments add a lot qualitatively.
    On a lighter note, you guys already know the answer right??? :)
    Brian Nutt
    I understand the drive to get ranking but from my perspective, the broader goal is to receive comments to improve the product so that is where I'll focus.