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  • What other platforms are there to post blog content on?

    Mike Young
    8 replies
    Currently I'm writing for https://www.replicatecodex.com/ on Medium, Dev.to, Hashnode, Hackernoon, and Ghost (site blog). Are there other platforms out there I should be cross-posting or sharing content on?


    Bren Kinfa πŸ’Ž SaaS Gems
    SaaS AI Tools
    SaaS AI Tools
    Launching soon!
    You could post it on LinkedIn. Could also try Substack as a newsletter πŸ‘
    Tej Garikapati
    With the added word limit, twitter is a freat platform too. If you have an email list, newsletter. If you don't have an email list, start collecting emails. IMHO, nothing beats email newsletters
    Uma Venugopal
    Hacker News, Linkedin, Substack
    Mike Young
    @uma_venugopal Linkedin is a good idea! We do have a substack, wondering if other platforms are worthwhile too
    AndrΓ© J
    Self pub your own blog on GitHub.
    Mike Young
    @eonpilot Does that come with a Github.com backlink?