What problem does your startup solve?
Brandon Scott
10 replies
What problem does your startup solve for your users?
We help people with the problem of growing their business.
At CoconutsAI.com (launching soon) we help business owners with compounding growth by providing 1 small task sent to your inbox daily that is tuned for your business. 100% free to use!
Andres Rosas Sanchez@andres_rosas_sanchez
AI Regulation processes for companies developing AI
Astro Typers
@andres_rosas_sanchez Super interesting and definitely a need in these times!
This sounds like it would save me a lot of time in my busy schedule. One task a day sounds manageable.
Astro Typers
@m_hassan_sajjad Thank you so much for trying it! I'm working on improving it as well :)
Astro Typers
@byalexai Thank you Alex! So its one task focused around growth. So it could be anything from create a content calendar to cold email 5 of your target market. Each task is designed to be completed in 1-2 hours. They are completely optional but there to just help give you inspo and kickoff your day. and its free!
Hey Brandon, by 'small tasks' do you mean things like quick virtual assistant jobs, data entry gigs, short writing assignments, or basic photo editing? Would be helpful to know specifics on the types of work your platform will focus on. But definitely intriguing - the micro-task freelance market seems underserved. Keep us posted on the launch!
We're building an AI-powered platform to streamline regulatory compliance processes for companies developing AI systems. It automates policy checks, impact assessments, auditing, and reporting to help AI companies navigate the complex and evolving regulatory landscape more efficiently.
Our startup solves the challenge of consistently engaging on LinkedIn to grow personal and professional brands. With tools like Draftly, we simplify and automate engagement—whether it’s commenting thoughtfully on posts or generating content ideas—saving time while keeping interactions authentic.
We're also building a community where professionals share strategies for growth and success.
Astro Typers
@puja_duseja Sounds awesome Puja!