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  • What retention rate is good for a startup?

    Victor Giurgiu
    9 replies
    Hello product hunters, Recently I was thinking about the importance of active users when building a strong startup. My current returning users rate is around 25-30% for my product Affistash.com. What about you? I'm curious on what you guys have going on : )


    Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
    Depending on how many weeks are you counting. For 8-week retention over 25/30% is good. Higher than 35/40% you have a gem.
    Victor Giurgiu
    @joanduarte I think I should be good for now, I am hoping for it to increase with time, since we are still relatively news. Maybe the users didn't have enough time to become familiar with the features.
    Aleksandr V
    Hi Victor, I would say it really depends on the industry a startup is in. Food delivery services would have a different retention rate compared to a startup that sells beds for kids on subscription.
    Murali Gottumukkala
    Depending on type of platform, anywhere between 50 to 70%
    Victor Giurgiu
    @murali_aasaan If we are talking about paid customers, then I definitely agree, but if the startup is running a freemium type product, then I think that it 50 to 70% is a bit high, but definitely achievable
    Krystian Álvarez
    It depends on many factors but I'd say between 20% to 30%.
    Steven Birchall
    For an established freemium SaaS product the 'gold standard' is usually 40% so having 25-30% in the early stages is extremely positive.