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  • What's one marketing/SEO tip you want to share with fellow founders?

    Sharath Kuruganty
    24 replies


    Andrii Kpyto
    Don't ignore such community topics :)
    Xavier Coiffard
    Marketing4Makers Community
    Marketing4Makers Community
    Start now!
    Aymen Loukil
    Start, experiment and learn. Be curious. Discover web basics and how to work with developers. It's key.
    Matthew Scyoc
    Make sure you do excellent SEO keyword research. If I had a brand new startup site, and I wanted to start investing in SEO organic traffic, here's what I would do: 1. Use a tool like AHREFs. Go to Keyword Discovery, search domains that rank for keywords similar to the keywords you want to rank for. 2. Sort and filter those keywords by difficulty or competition score of less than 20 3. Once you filter them down, find the keywords with the highest intent. Meaning, find the keywords you think your customers are searching, that if they found your startup or product, they would likely or be as close to purchasing. 4. Start writing! Go to Google and search those keywords and try to combine the salient points from as many sources from the top 10 search results that you can find. The idea is to create the best page for that keyword. 5. Keep up this process and make sure you stick with it for 30 days. You could even create a challenge for yourself of publishing 30 articles in 30 days. The goal is to create the best single article or blog post or this keyword compared to all the rest ranking on the first page of Google. Happy to answer questions if anyone wants to go deeper! Cheers!
    Stefan Smiljkovic
    @matthew_scyoc Great advice! I am using Ahref, best SEO tool for sure. And I am thinking for a while to do exactly the 30 day challenge. 1 article per day.
    Matthew Scyoc
    @stefan_smiljkovic There are lots of tools out there to help with content creation at scale too. My software is in private beta. Demo on Ousia.ai
    Sam Kamrani
    Listen more and say less! You don't need to come up with the most unique idea of the century. Whatever you do just do it better than anyone else and build it to solve the real problems that you listened to.
    Sachin Sinha
    Emerging Sales Leaders - SaaS
    Never use sub domains - Google treats them almost like separate websites, always use sub folders.
    Product Juicer
    For Product Selling Do Lead Generation and Target Specific Audience like for kitchen Product best juicer for canning tomato juice my Audience must be House wife (female) mostly 18+.
    Get your site structure right.
    mayur svfx
    dont go for grey seo
    lisa haley
    For proper marketing people interest and relevancy are important factors. e.g you want to sell juicers,you have to target people that are juicerhunter ,showing interest in juicers sites and search their relevant products from relevant sites. one of best example is found here: https://juicerhunter.com/3-major...
    Sarah Jordi
    Keep SEO in mind from the start. So, even when you can't optimize everything from the beginning, build website/blog, etc. in a way it can easily be optimized later – especially if you bring in a new person or freelancer to do it. (So the new person doesn't have to "clean up" first.
    Vian Trinh
    Truly care and bring value :)
    Bertha Kgokong
    Key word research, everything builds on top of that. Low competition, high traffic sweet-spot. If you get that right, everything else is will fall in to place easier. . . . . and yes - pick a domain that matches your keyword
    Tamilore Sonaike
    Tell stories about how your product solves customer problems. Case studies if you will.
    Nim Ron
    Brief on Demand by Amy
    Personalize every outreach and conversation as much as possible! People don't like to feel like they're only "customers"
    David batista
    Daily 2 hours spend for off-page SEO and out-reach
    Lisa Murphy
    Great question. I too was reading blogs related to amzm for a long time, I have got good help. There is good help on this platform.