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  • What's the best SEO strategy?

    Cyril Gupta
    5 replies
    Do you SEO? What's the strategy that works best in your opinion. What would you advise people to do when they start off with a new blog?


    Moritz Tomasi
    There's only one strategy: read the manual. Google tells you what they like. Do that. The following are just a few things, but they are very important: - They don't like slow pages, so don't weigh them down unnecessarily. Use pagespeedinsights on all your targeted pages. - In general Google doesn't like bad UX. Give your users a good experience. If they just bounce back to search it will hurt you. Keep an eye on your bounce rate. - Fulfil your users search intent. They want a "Blue cars made in 2010". Give them blue cars made in 2010. Don't treat your users like a bunch of people that need to be shoved down a funnel. Treat your users like the most efficient, lazy and clever people in the world. They know what they want, so give them what they want, as fast as possible. - Build sustainable traffic. There are no hacks and tricks. I mean, there are, but if they don't lead to sustainable traffic that actually contributes to your business goals, there's no point in paying any attention to them. Creating sustainable traffic takes time, be patient. - Don't forget about robots.txt and sitemap.xml. - If you do link building for the sake of link building, the quality of your backlinks will deteriorate quickly. At first, they will not make sense. Then they will become spammy, and then just plain spam. This will happen especially when you set yourself goals or KPIs for new backlinks. Don't do link building! Do marketing, do PR, do business development as normal, but with links in mind. Make sure that every person that communicates in the name of your company is thinking about links too. Public relations should think about links for example; all press releases should link to valuable, and relevant targeted pages. There's more to it, like url structure, canonicals, targeted pages, diversity of content... But those are some very important points, and if you would have to summarise it: provide value. Sorry for the long response, but i do hope it helps. If you have some more questions just reply to this comment or follow me @mailbites. You can always DM me.
    Cyril Gupta
    CloudFunnels AI
    CloudFunnels AI
    @mailbites @moritztomasi Just a note.. The @mailbites is on Twitter? It didn't work here