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  • What's the Best Way to Stay Up to Date with Technology Trends?

    Samar Ali
    9 replies
    How everyone is staying informed on the latest trends in technology, what methods they are using to stay up-to-date, and whether their approach is working or not.


    Sandra Figueiredo
    Google alerts, many many google alerts :) But as I work in the social media industry I think the tech trends always find their way to me somehow.
    Samar Ali
    Launching soon!
    @sandra_figueiredo That's awesome! Technology is always evolving and it is really important to keep up with the trends. I'm sure Google alerts help you stay ahead of the game! Thank for sharing your tip. :)
    Puneet Kohli
    Careerflow LinkedIn Optimization Tool
    Careerflow LinkedIn Optimization Tool
    Sometimes its not worth it, you'll get drowned in a sea of noise. Better to focus on a few tech topics you're interested in via niche communities, twitter accounts, etc... For general stuff, I follow TechCrunch and The Information.
    Samar Ali
    Launching soon!
    @puneet_kohli That's a great strategy! Focusing on specific tech topics via niche communities and twitter accounts can help you stay up to date on the latest developments without getting overwhelmed. The Information are both reliable sources for general news about technology, so that's definitely worth checking out too. Thanks for your advice! :)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    It is good to try them, to be an early adopter, to read tech news, to be incorporated in opensource projects and meet new people.
    Samar Ali
    Launching soon!
    @busmark_w_nika Yes, it is indeed a great idea to try out new technologies, be an early adopter of new products, read tech news and stay updated on the latest trends in technology, get involved with open-source projects and meet new people.
    Launching soon!
    The best way to stay up to date with technology trends is to read industry publications, follow technology-focused news outlets, attend industry events, and connect with other tech professionals. Additionally, subscribing to newsletters and participating in online forums and discussion groups can help you stay on top of the latest developments.
    Samar Ali
    Launching soon!
    @qudsia_ali That’s great advice! Keeping up with technology trends is essential for success in any tech-related field. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but taking small steps like reading industry publications, subscribing to newsletters, attending events, and connecting with other tech professionals can make it easier. Having an open mind and embracing new ideas is also important for staying informed.
    Kaushik Vikram Balaji
    These are some of the ways I stay updated with Technology trends. 1. LinkedIn - I keep surfing through LinkedIn to understand what's happening in the Market and to discover new products/startups and what they are solving. You can follow a few hashtags on Technology that have decent followers, which will help you to a great extent 2. Being part of a tech community like Product Hunt helps. Even if you don't want to contribute but still consume the tech news, PH is the place. 3. Install Inshorts and select Technology and Business as Topics. You can update yourself with good business and tech news