What's the biggest challenge you face when trying to start a business?
Xavier Recio
7 replies
Benjamin Sloutsky@benjamin_sloutsky
Getting the right customers and knowing what they want
For me, it was finding suitable co-founders, and it took a lot of time.
Every decision in business is a challenge. I'm still in the process of creating. It's hard to say. On the one hand, I’ve wanted it for a long time, on the other hand, I don’t want someone to be at the blast furnace and order me around. When my friend started, he didn’t know anything and found kubernetes consulting services and used https://itsvit.com/services/devo... for this. I will also probably attend consultations. They definitely won’t be superfluous, they will only give me more experience.
At least at this stage of my new startup, I’m finding it hard to perform user research and collect substantial amount of feedback.
Starting a business is like playing a game of "Startup Bingo": the biggest challenge? Getting that elusive funding square filled without hitting a roadblock!
It either convincing people my idea is worth their money or wearing all the hats. marketing, sales, accounting - while keeping my sanity.
The most difficult part of starting an online business for me is that I am good at developing but not very skilled at selling. In most cases, knowing how to sell our product is the most important and tough aspect.