What's your reason #1 to launch on ProductHunt?
Eugenia Bud
23 replies
Daniel S@dan16
Biteme: Calorie Calculator
It is helpful being in a community that shares the same goals like a successful launch because it would help nurture a product via feed backs :D
A lot of people in the comment section are talking about validating their product and ruling out the beta version of their product so they can improve upon it but I think the #1 thing On launching in product handles the support and community that you're getting!
i've been on a lot of community and forums but product hunt has such a tight knit community and so many people are supporting other creators selflessly!
this is the reason to launch on product hunt!
Get feedback from the community, get customers, and also get feedback from them.
@nickanisimov what other channels are you planning to use to get your first cold customers?
Getting signups
to get feedback from founders
From my perspective as marketing manager, it's a great platform for collecting feedback and boosting our brand awareness
Get feedback from professional person!
Get feedback from users and the community.
OneAudio AI
Definitely connections, community feedback & visibility. I believe in a well prepared launch on Product Hunt to maximize all of these points.
The result of the launch will not validate if your idea will work or not, in most cases it's long term; but definitely a way to get valuable potential-customer feedback!
Launching soon!
Free advertising
SMTP Debug Tool
To define whether our work wasn't just a waste of time :D
For sure, to find our audience and the place in the niche, to get some reviews.
The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
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Product Hunt is a great place to get feedback from. This is one reason I would launch my app on product hunt.
For people to visit the product and try it.
Pythia World
Getting user feedback!
Launching soon!
Visibility primarily - hopefully there are some end users in the midst but we look at it as a marketing / awareness engine.
The community here seems to really know the qualities of a good product!
We've market tested through existing networks, now it is to test our product-market fit with cold relationships and prove the commercial scalability of our product