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  • What should Google bard do to be better than chatGPT?

    8 replies


    Google bard should add a button called «Teach me something new» We learn something we didn't know about, and the subject is randomly generated.
    Eric Beans
    Don’t program it to be woke
    Maya A
    Integrate more current information + search functionality
    Max Krasilov
    Give up-to-date information, search instead of me (GPT can't)
    Google Bard must not be biased and preach the truth and free speech, accept all values instead of trying to impose its own specific values on the world. For instance, ChatGPT is politically unbalanced and censored about specific subjects.
    Without mentioning, those AI are developed by the richest companies on the planet, are they biased and are they controlled by governments?
    Venkat Reddy Chintalapudi
    AnthroPic is supported by Google & hosted on Google Cloud would be a better than ChatGPT