What skill will you master this week?

Dan Kulkov
66 replies
For me, it's writing. Because I need to finish 30 frameworks for MakerBox Frameworks What are you focusing on?


Brenna Donoghue
Creating custom journeys on Ortto (which new to us). Exciting and daunting all at once!
Ilya Uglianitsa
Not working on something specific right now. But i guess one of the most valueable skill you can learn in under one week period - is basic personal finance πŸ˜…
Writing, I have been listening to "On Writing Well".
Roberto Morais
I am exploring ReactNative and also no-code (FlutterFlow). Trying to decide which one to use for my next small bet.
Arth Tyagi
@robertomorais I'd recommend React Native for sanity :) Flutter has it's own Skia engine which sort of copies UI Kit on iOS devices but has worse performance and the results are noticeable in the UX flow. For Android, Flutter might work but I don't see any reason to use it over React Native. Even Capacitor.js might be better for your projects than Flutter tbh.
Roberto Morais
@arth_tyagi Many thanks for the tip. I'm really curious about these new no-code tools but still not confident in any. I'm a coder already so RN is just a small learning curve for me, probably the way I'm going.
Press Release, including how, what platforms can do PR distributions, and if I want to do PR on my own, how.
Paul-Louis Valat
Affiliate marketing We're starting a affiliate program for Plezi One, but I still have a lot to learn and execute to create a compelling program and get affiliates on-board
Andrew C.
currently I'm trying to get a good hang of analytics. so yeh, trying to absorb as much as I possibly can .
Neha Dadhich
AppLogger by PLG Works
I can't say master but am trying for Automation testing. Exploring the things related to same.
Kirill Tupikov
Connecting third-party payments in my application. Exploring a user journey map for this case
Suvojit Manna
Firstly will be taking care of my calendar since I'm returning from vacation, secondly Gatsbyjs, learning it while building a new product πŸ‘€
Suvojit Manna
@kronop how does one automate scheduling ?
Gurpinder Singh
Focusing on copywriting this week
Rich Watson
NVSTly: Social Investing
NVSTly: Social Investing
Joanne Hurley
Writing behavioural based product onboarding emails
Sveta Bay
Slogan Generator
Slogan Generator
meeting the deadlines πŸ˜…
Aliaksandr Kandratsiuk
@basv We have been improving it within our team)) Most of the time we follow agreed deadline. I guess somebody on the call should track the time and facilitate all the team.
Tanya Kapoor
Hi @kronop content writing, digital marketing, and meeting deadlines. It has been a productive week for me.
Shadow Fight
i am the seo expert. i ranked many website on google check this site: https://www.forkliftbatterymanuf...
Shadow Fight
i am also mathematician and seo expert ( https://betwinnerr.in/ )
Liam West
I'm learning as much as I can about networking; I want to make new contacts and grow my network. About growing my network irl and online.
It would be nice if it was possible to master a skill in a week.. :D
Bhavna Singh
There is so much to learn every new day, however developing something and meeting the deadlines is something I wish to work on.