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  • What social media do you use?

    Olena Bomko
    59 replies
    I use LinkedIn and X (Twitter) + Product Hunt. If we're not connected: My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olenabomko/ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/olenabomko


    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Twitter (X) and LinkedIn the most. Facebook and Instagram partially.
    Dani Schenker🇨🇭
    I use reddit and LinkedIn.
    Nsikan Dickson
    I use TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and (X)
    Dariush Abbasi
    x, linkedin, mastodon
    adam albo
    @dariubs isn't that a heavy metal band ?
    Twitter (X) and Reddit
    Maurizio Isendoorn
    X and LinkedIn club
    Span Chen
    Twitter and Facebook.
    Dima Groshev
    Universal UI Kit
    X (Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn
    Linkdin and X
    Oleksandr Buratynskyi
    Instagram, linkedin, facebook and a pinch of Twitter 🤏
    Ruben Boonzaaijer
    x, linkedin, instagram and facebook. The more the better
    Hossein Yazdi
    I use Twitter the most, just followed with you on it! :)
    André J
    Feel free to share your twitter insights. I can't get any traction on X 😂
    Jamie L
    AI Desk by Collov AI
    AI Desk by Collov AI
    Linkedin & twitter the most!
    Cathy Yee
    Procreate Match
    Procreate Match
    Instagram :)
    Jeff Dwoskin
    Stampede Social
    Stampede Social
    Instagram a lot! then courtesy posts to the other platforms :)
    Adejoke Yinka
    Mostly i use twitter but product hunt is my fav app
    Alexander Dolton
    instagram is my fav app