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  • What was the best Christmas present you ever received?

    Aaron O'Leary
    50 replies
    For those who celebrate, I'd love to hear about the present you love the most. For me it was my first *good* chef knife, partly because of just how good it is but mainly because of who it came from


    Dávid Sipos
    4 packages of pistachios
    Aaron O'Leary
    @david_sipos Brilliant, always a good present!
    Julie Chabin
    A pack of 6 bottles of Coke! Gift from my aunt, who definitely knows me well.
    Micky Nguyen
    @syswarren I have scrolled up and down the topic and realized all best Christmas presents were related to food and drinks, me as well 😆
    Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
    Power Rangers sword, I still remember! It was awesome!
    Aaron O'Leary
    @joanduarte Yes, I had one too!
    Jonathan Brun
    oculus quest!!
    Aaron O'Leary
    @bjjxyz Any favorite games??
    Richard Gao
    Not a present, but food! Christmas dinners are always nice.
    Aaron O'Leary
    @richard_gao2 Christmas dinner is a present itself. Plus food in general is a fantastic present
    Gladys Atienza
    A new mobile phone ☺️
    Micky Nguyen
    A toy collection of Mickey Mouse 😂
    Karan Parwani
    Good sweets to eat :)
    Aaron O'Leary
    @karan_parwani1 Love sweets, especially any old timey sweets
    Manas Sharma
    This thread is setting us in a festive mood. Love it. ❤️
    Rissy Miranda
    A set of stainless steel pots coz we love home cooking :)
    Aaron O'Leary
    @rissy_miranda Nice! I must pick up a new set soon!
    Reshma S
    Mobile Phone 🥰
    David Leuliette
    A snowboard, I still use it 10 years later
    Ziggi Zukerman
    Atari video game back in the 80s when i was a kid
    Anagha Nair
    Hey Aaron! I think our app can help you! Let me know if it works! @probhoomi - Pikidea
    Apollon Latsoudis
    Hero's Quest board games from my parents when I was 9. That was truly something special. When you get old, the thrill of opening presents, is toned down. Nowadays it's just socks or books. Cant say its the same feeling. For a Chef however, a chef knife is an excellent and most useful gift!
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    my first off-the-floor motocross bike when I was in high school. up until then I was riding on bikes that were 8-10 years old
    Rhymer Espinosa
    A trip to Holy Land (with side trips to Egypt and Jordan). Bets of all, I got to share the trip with my only sibling. <3