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  • What was your dream job as a child?

    Maria Noemi Hernandez
    15 replies
    I had two: - Professional dancer and choreographer - Investigator, fast forward... I'm a journalist! As a kid, I was always asking questions to my "abuelo" (grandpa) and then telling his stories to the rest of my family. Guess what? I'm still in love with telling stories with the possible details! And the dancer part... I still love dancing! What about you?


    Catherine Norris
    I wanted to be an author of fantasy books. I'm a content manager...close enough? πŸ˜…
    Maria Noemi Hernandez
    @catherine_norris I love that! Do you think that child is happy with what you are doing? Or do you have to give her more fantasy?
    The Simple Finance Tracker
    The Simple Finance Tracker
    Funnily enough I wanted to be a pilot... My grades in school didn't fit accordingly... Well, now I'm piloting my personal brand, so I guess I did it in some kindπŸ€”πŸ€£
    Hossein Yazdi
    Being a pro footballer -> being a doctor -> and now I'm a software engineer, happy to launch my first product! πŸ˜„
    Maria Noemi Hernandez
    @hosseinyazdi That's quite the career hat-trick! Congrats on launching your first product! Keep on coding and making things happen! πŸ’»πŸš€πŸ˜„
    Nisa Meray
    Aw, cute question! I wanted to be a detective or an actress 😊
    Maria Noemi Hernandez
    @nisa_meray Thanks! I wanted to connect with real answers and not ChatGPT-generated answersπŸ˜…. Well, if you think about it, being a social media manager is like being a detective or actress because you must constantly adapt and be flexible to new situations. It requires being resourceful, creative, and always willing to learn new things to succeed! So you're not far from what you wanted to be as a child!
    Yasmin Atkinson
    For me it would be a nurse :)
    Mahad Kamran
    To be a professional footballer. Been following football since I was 8 years old. 16 years later I still watch it as eagerly and passionately.
    Maria Noemi Hernandez
    @mahadkamran As a fellow football enthusiast, I can relate to your passion for the sport! What is your favorite team? It's great that you still enjoy watching it passionately after all these years.
    Gibril Longmene
    i wanted to be a doctor